Kettlebell Demos
One Arm Kettlebell Swing July 13 2014
This movement will start with your feet shoulder width apart, the kettlebell held in the "hang" position between your legs. The arm not holding the kettlebell should be slightly out to the side acting as a counter balance.
Just like our traditional kettlebell swing, we will initiate a backwards motion to gain momentum. The kettlebell is traveling back with our bend and we will use the backwards momentum to thrust the kettlebell forward. Free hand is counterbalancing.
Using the momentum from the back swing, we will allow the kettlebell to begin it's ascent. Keep core tight, free arm off to the side and arm holding the kettlebell locked out or just a slight bend in the elbow.
The final position will have the kettlebell at shoulder/eye level, arm locked out, hips open and core nice and tight.
SDLHP (Sumo Deadlift High Pull) July 13 2014
The starting position of the SDLHP. Feet are outside the shoulders (sumo), toes slightly pointed out, back and core tight, arms locked out and the kettlebell centered between the feet.
The initial movement will be an ascent to standing. At this point, keep the arms locked out.
The "pull". Keep arms locked out until passing the knees and thighs. As you are about to hit the hips, begin with a shrug and begin to pull the kettlebell up, keeping your elbows out to the side.
The final position will have you standing up straight, hips fully open and the arms pulled to about collarbone height. (Elbows out!)
Kettlebell Swing (American) July 13 2014

Kettlebell Clean July 13 2014
The kettlebell clean will be the most technical movement we go over. The image of the pull is slightly exaggerated to help in the explanation of that part.
The beginning stance is a half squat, just enough to build momentum up. Feet shoulder width apart, toes slightly out, arm locked out. Begin to stand up, bringing the kettlebell with you. When the kettlebell hit's the hips, begin the shrug into the pull. The transition from the pull into the "catch" is very fast and the most difficult part. As you reach the top of the pull, you will begin to rotate your arm backwards, the elbow traveling below the kettlebell and tucked in to your side. From there you will "catch" the kettlebell on the shoulder (elbows up!) and stand. (This movement can also be done from the hang wherein you would bend slightly to gain that momentum to ascend the kettlebell. The pull and rotation of the kettlebell remains the same).
Kettlebell Thruster July 13 2014
The kettlebell thruster begins with the feet shoulder width apart, toes slightly pointed out. The core is tight. The kettlebells are resting on the shoulders and the elbows should be up as much as possible. The first movement is a bend at the hips as if you are sitting and a continue the descent down until reaching parallel in the squat. Kettlebells remain engaged and elbows up.
From the bottom of the squat, begin your ascent. Once you are about standing, use the momentum from the ascent to assist in pushing the kettlebells overhead. Lock out at the top with the kettlebells overhead.
Goblet Squat July 13 2014
Starting position: Feet shoulder width apart, toes slightly pointed out. The kettlebell should be held at chest level, some places like to hold by the handle and others put the kettlebell upsides down. We prefer holding it by the handles.
The descent down again begins with the hips as if you are beginning to sit.
The final position will be at the bottom of the squat. It is important to at least hit parallel and if capable, pass below the hip crease. If you can not reach parallel, go as far as you can without any pain and you may also place an object below your butt to touch. Most depth problems are a mobility issue and more stretching is in order.
Be sure to keep the kettlebell at chest level the entire movement.
Kettlebell Swing (Russian) July 13 2014
The Russian kettlebell swing will incorporate all the same parts as the American, however, instead of coming straight up over head, the swing will end between shoulder and eye level.
Kettlebell Push Press July 13 2014
The kettlebell push press will begin standing straight up, feet shoulder width apart, elbows up. The first move will be a quick, slight dip. Be mindful not to go too far down as it will slow the movement and further hinder the purpose of the dip (which is to act as an elastic band, shooting you back up). After the dip, explode up, extending the arms (pressing).